Resources from past conferences are available to members - Join the SRFCFA!
2022 presentations included
How to achieve sustainability at an Interprofessional Student Run Clinic
Journey to sustainability: Saving money in a SRFC through pharmacy services
Fostering Greater Access and Community in Veterinary Medicine
Lessons learned: Special COVID edition
Exploring the perceived impact of Spanish Interpreters during patient care in an IP SRFC
Answering the call: Empowering a SRFC to equitably distribute COVID-19 vaccines to vulnerable patient populations
Collaborating with community partners to connect with underserved populations in patient education
Supporting mental health needs through the Spinal Cord Injury and Disease Health and Participation Program: A self-management, community-based program
Improving QI: Addressing resistance and promoting QI culture in a SRFC
2021 presentations included
Stress & Burnout: How to build resiliency in yourself and others
Health Equity @ SRFCs
Re-imagining an SRFC Community Advisory Board
“There and back again”: Reopening SRFCs during COVID
Monitoring students to perform QI projects in a SRFC
“I’m supposed to do what?!” A tool for defining roles at an interprofessional SRFC
(Mistakes and) Lessons learned
Listen to me! A multipronged approach to understanding the patients and the community served by a SRFC
Workflow Changes to a Student Run Clinic in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cost Estimate of Faculty Hours in an interprofessional, Student-Led Free Clinic
BRIDGE: COVID-19 and depression among patients receiving care at a free clinic in Tampa, FL
Care, Outreach, Research, Education – One Year Review
Adapting Community Partnerships during a Pandemic: MedZou Clinic and the Central Missouri Food Bank
Conference materials available for each year since 2015 to members only